Why use WordPress to establish, scale and sustain your business enterprise?

If you are an employer you may ponder about the favorable tools to deploy in your business while on minimalist budgets regardless of the business stage and size but guaranteed of growth. If you’re an employee you may have to propose suitable tools in the business to contribute a step towards its next stage.

As much as we use financial poverty as an excuse for stunted growth in business or complete business failure, I would like to borrow your attention and convince you that your business struggles are largely dependent on your potential to make informed decisions.

How do you decide whether WordPress is the right or wrong tool for your business.

At the end of the session the audience will be able;
– To know some facts about WordPress.
– To know the various problems WordPress solves.
– To be in a better position to choose WordPress for their business.
– To know where to find helpful information in case they are stack.
– To know the various local companies and freelancers who provide WordPress services such as SEO, Web hosting, Maintenance, Development and Writing.
– To slightly understand the WordPress core ecosystem.
