This is a simple and humble vote of thanks to all those who made the first WordCamp Kampala happen.

On the 16th and 17th, December 2017 Kampala had its first ever WordCamp which was filled with learning, love, fun and support from the global WordPress community.

Sponsored by WooCommerce, Godaddy Pro, Bluehost, JetPack, WpML and Outbox our venue sponsor. These generous organisations are the reason the WordCamp was made possible and they are the reason the tickets remained affordable to all Kampala WordPress community members.

At the WordCamp, we had 14 speakers who tackled more topics than even those that we had indicated on the schedule from beginning to develop with WordPress, Security, online shops,  plugin and theme development, SSL security, professionalism as a web developer using WordPress, among others.

We also want to thank all those who showed up for the after party. You networked well with everyone and thank you for the dignified code of conduct. No one reported an abusive case, no property at the venue was destroyed. Thank you all for being gentlemen and ladies.